A New World Order

And ladies and gentlemen, it is done. The Final Front have defeated The Reign! The monarch has fallen.”, veteran central T.V. anchor Rajon Gulliver announced.

“This is the end of an era. The class society has been defeated, the slaves rejoice at the Center Arch as we speak. This is landmark news, isn’t it Edna?”

Edna, the co-anchor, reciprocated the beaming, glee-filled radiance that his fellow anchor was portraying,
“It definitely is Rajon. It is the day people were waiting for. Liberation from the hierarchical society we are living in. And a hope for a classless world, the far fetched dream of an Utopia that finally seems possible…”

“I’m sorry Edna, I’ll have to cut you there, we have the Commander Latheos, live from the Center Arch. Commander, it is over, 20 years of bloody war, and now it is all over.”

“Yes, happiest days of our lives! Now we can go forward with Project Regen. A perfect world is
waiting for us!”

“Yes Commander, indeed it is. Say, Commander, just for our young viewers and for the uninitiated,
I doubt there are any, please repeat our grand plans for the ultimate renaissance.”

“It will an honour. In search of a classless society and a world where everyone is an equal, we take some drastic but necessary steps. First, we give up all technology, in order to come clean with nature and pay
her our tribute, for we have wronged her. Next, and more importantly, we all take the Red Pill, that will be provided to each person by Final Front representatives. This pill will take us into a deep sleep and we wake up with no memory of this wretched present.We wake as free men, equal men. And then it is done.”
“The clocks shall be reset and man shall be reborn.This will be the corner stone of our Utopia,  and we shall call it Earth.”

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